It's All About The Range

Hi! I'm Rachel. I’ve had T1D for 16 years and have figured out how to consistently be between a 5.5 and 6.2 A1C (and with low variability!).

I started building an online community through my blog as a passion project, trying to share as much information as I could to help my fellow T1D community.

After 16 years and 1,000's of hours of reading, testing, and learning how to live a healthy life with T1D, I decided develop a course that can help others...because let's face it, diabetes doesn't always behave the way the textbooks (and our Endo's) say it should behave.

I'm glad you're here

Course Benefits

Steady, In-Range Blood Sugar

Learn how to get steady, in-range, blood sugar with less energy and effort than your putting into your diabetes management right now.

Confidence at Meal Times

Meal planning & pairing techniques that lead to more predictable blood sugars.

Become an Expert at YOUR Diabetes

Get a deeper understanding of T1D (and your T1D) so nothing sneaks up on you. No more, "I don't understand why is this happening!" You'll know.

Know How to Handle the "Oops" Moments

We're all human, and we all slip up. I'll teach you the art of recovery so you can handle the most common "oops" moments (like forgetting to bolus) and get back on track fast!

Banish Diabetes Burnout

Discover what type of diabetes burnout you have and learn how to both arm & pull yourself out of it.

Live in Control Again

There's is so much peace that comes with knowing you have your diabetes under control. THIS is how you can get your life, health, and sanity back!

Enroll Today $195

Get instant access to the course and start learning today!

Course Overview

Module 1

Diabetes Basics

This module talks all about the diabetes basics like bolusing, food pairing, testing your ratios, timing, planning for the "oops" moments and more!

Module 2

Diabetes Burnout

Here we'll go over what a major factor in burnout is (it's probably not what you think) and how to prevent it. We'll go over tips and ways to pull yourself out of burnout fast so that you can get your groove back!

Module 3

T1D Habit Forming

The more these T1D routines can become habit, the less you have to think about diabetes. Because when you're doing all the right things at the right time and have fast ways to correct hiccups along the way, you're gong to have more time in range, which means less time fighting your diabetes and more time doing whatever the heck you want to do!

Module 4

Reducing Carb Sensitivity & Increasing Insulin Sensitivity

If you are coming off the keto train then this module is for you. If you're eating a small amount of carbs, bolus for it, and STILL shoot into the 200's, then you know the frustration! This module covers how to fix it.

And along the same lines of carb sensitivity is INSULIN SENSITIVITY. If you've been increasing your total insulin requirements year after year (and also gaining weight with that same increasing trend) then you might be (or are becoming) insulin resistant. This module will go over how to increase your insulin sensitivity.

What's Included

  • Unlimited Access to the Course
  • 4 Modules
  • 10 Video Lessons
  • Bonus Resources for Each Module
  • An Inside Peek at My T1D Favorites
  • Worksheets
  • Printables

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have access to the course?

You'll have unlimited access to the course!

How long does the course take to complete?

This course is completely self-paced. You could complete it in 1 week or you could take your time and complete it over the course of the next year!

What if I have questions along the way?

Reach out to me at [email protected]

What if I am unhappy with this course?

I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are, contact me at [email protected] and I will make sure you are well taken care of!

Are there payment plans available?

Currently, I do not offer any payment plans.

Is this course updated?

Yes! The world of T1D gear, gadgets, and tech is constantly changing, and I want this course to always have the most up-to-date information that you need to be successful. Students also have access to all future updates!

Enroll Today $195